Monday, September 28, 2015

How to make your origami looks metallic ? 如何金屬化你的摺紙作品?

Some friends asking me about how do I make my origami looks like rusted metal, actually it's quite easy. First you need an origami that made with dark color paper, better with black paper, a small brush and gold/silver enamel paints. Just take very little amount of the enamel paints and make your brush 80% dry, let the tissue paper absorb most of the paints before you paint on the origami, and then painting from the edges to the body, done ! Here's some suggested combinations of the enamel paints and paper color :
Copper = gold + brown paper
Steel = silver + black paper
Bronze = gold + green/blue paper

大埔超級城世界稀品潮螳展 - 摺紙工作坊 (19 Sept 2015)

大埔超級城世界稀品潮螳展 - 摺紙工作坊 (19 Sept 2015)

Rose by Naomiki Sato

Just received the new origami roses book of Mr. Naomiki Sato from Ms. Arimi Sano, Thank you so much !!! Highly recommended, everyone should have one, it would absolutely get you a girlfriend !!!
剛收到佐野有美小姐送來,佐滕直幹先生的摺紙玫瑰新書,內含教學DVD, 教授摺紙界最複雜的五角形摺紙玫瑰花,單身男士必備!!!
(Order here :

香港大學文學院學生會-中文學會採訪 (05 Sept 2015)