“One Piece Uncut” Origami Art Exhibition
Origami Artists : Kade Chan & Jacky Chan
Date : 14-31 Oct 2015
Time : 11:00-20:00
Address : Y Studio, 2/F Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road, Hong Kong
Details : http://www.youthsquare.hk/eng/hot-news/160/
Some friends asking me about how do I make my origami looks like rusted metal, actually it's quite easy. First you need an origami that made with dark color paper, better with black paper, a small brush and gold/silver enamel paints. Just take very little amount of the enamel paints and make your brush 80% dry, let the tissue paper absorb most of the paints before you paint on the origami, and then painting from the edges to the body, done ! Here's some suggested combinations of the enamel paints and paper color :
Copper = gold + brown paper
Steel = silver + black paper
Bronze = gold + green/blue paper
TED, a nonprofit platform devoted to organizing short and powerful talks, has its first ever event staged at PolyU this March. Under the TEDxHKPolyU programme, a group of PolyU students organized the talk featuring three speakers who shared their inspiring experiences.
Among the speakers was PolyU design student, Kade Chan, who talked about his amazing journey in pursuing origami. Having created over a hundred origami designs and winning international awards, Kade is the first Chinese who is awarded the prestigious Yoshino Issei Fund from the Japan Origami Academic Society. Also, another student from the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Leo Ho Cheuk-yin, shared the beauty of harmonica music. This emerging chromatic harmonicist has won 17 international championships since 2006. http://www.polyu.edu.hk/cpa/excel/en/201503/connections/c3/index.html