Sunday, November 15, 2015

PricewaterhouseCoopers Hong Kong Alumni Cocktail 2015 (27 Nov 2015)

PricewaterhouseCoopers Hong Kong Alumni Cocktail 2015 (27 Nov 2015)
Origami Butterfly © 2015 Chan Pak Hei, Kade
Commercial use forbidden.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

“One Piece Uncut” Origami Art Exhibition「一紙不切 ‧ 摺紙藝術展」

很多人都誤會了用紙做的手工藝就是摺紙, 其實摺紙藝術是必須要透過「一紙不切」去做出作品, 背後再加上數十小時的設計, 草圖, 試摺稿, 展開圖等等, 缺一不可, 並非隨手拿起紙張去摺這麼簡單 ! 由青年廣場主辦, 「一紙不切 ‧ 摺紙藝術展」將會於10月14-31日, 展出兩位著名香港摺紙藝術家 Kade Chan 及 Jacky Chan 的原創摺紙設計, 以宣揚摺紙藝術, 部份作品更是首次展出, 不容錯過 !

「一紙不切 ‧ 摺紙藝術展」
摺紙藝術家 : 陳柏熹先生 及 陳漢輝先生
日期 : 14-31 Oct 2015
時間 : 11:00-20:00
地點 : 香港柴灣柴灣道238號青年廣場2樓Y劇場
詳情 :

“One Piece Uncut” Origami Art Exhibition
Origami Artists : Kade Chan & Jacky Chan
Date : 14-31 Oct 2015
Time : 11:00-20:00
Address : Y Studio, 2/F Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road, Hong Kong
Details :

Origami Butterfly 摺紙蝴蝶

Origami Butterfly 摺紙蝴蝶
Designed by : Chan Pak Hei, Kade 2015
© All rights reserved.

Monday, September 28, 2015

How to make your origami looks metallic ? 如何金屬化你的摺紙作品?

Some friends asking me about how do I make my origami looks like rusted metal, actually it's quite easy. First you need an origami that made with dark color paper, better with black paper, a small brush and gold/silver enamel paints. Just take very little amount of the enamel paints and make your brush 80% dry, let the tissue paper absorb most of the paints before you paint on the origami, and then painting from the edges to the body, done ! Here's some suggested combinations of the enamel paints and paper color :
Copper = gold + brown paper
Steel = silver + black paper
Bronze = gold + green/blue paper

大埔超級城世界稀品潮螳展 - 摺紙工作坊 (19 Sept 2015)

大埔超級城世界稀品潮螳展 - 摺紙工作坊 (19 Sept 2015)

Rose by Naomiki Sato

Just received the new origami roses book of Mr. Naomiki Sato from Ms. Arimi Sano, Thank you so much !!! Highly recommended, everyone should have one, it would absolutely get you a girlfriend !!!
剛收到佐野有美小姐送來,佐滕直幹先生的摺紙玫瑰新書,內含教學DVD, 教授摺紙界最複雜的五角形摺紙玫瑰花,單身男士必備!!!
(Order here :

香港大學文學院學生會-中文學會採訪 (05 Sept 2015)

Sunday, August 23, 2015

21st Origami Tanteidan Convention

21st Origami Tanteidan Convention

Dates : August 14-16, 2015
Venue : Toyo University Hakusan Campus, Tokyo
5-28-20 Hakusan, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo!21th-origami-tanteidan/c20c8

Sunday, August 2, 2015

油麻地師傅到藝遊工作坊 (1 Aug 2015)

不要為了工作而放棄生活,工作永遠沒有完成的一天,反而應該享受生命,做自己喜歡做的事。昨日暫時放下手頭上的工作,去參加由 Hulu Culture文化葫蘆 舉辦的「油麻地師傅到藝遊工作坊」,與街坊分享摺紙的樂趣。工作坊中認識到來自瑞士的夫婦,男的髮型太厲害了吧!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

蒲窩青少年中心 - 「食也融融‧共冶一爐」社區嘉年華摺紙工作坊 (25 July 2015)

蒲窩青少年中心 - 「食也融融‧共冶一爐」社區嘉年華摺紙工作坊 (25 July 2015)

Sunday, July 19, 2015

幪面超人X Ippudo HK 一風堂(香港) 摺紙龍蝦爪

幪面超人X Ippudo HK 一風堂(香港) 摺紙龍蝦爪
為推廣 IppudoHK 一風堂(香港) 新產品龍蝦豚骨拉麵登場,
香港摺紙藝術家 Kade Chan 以傳統日本摺紙技巧,

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Origami Vaquita 加灣鼠海豚 摺紙

Origami Vaquita 摺紙加灣鼠海豚
Specially designed for Greenpeace by : Chan Pak Hei, Kade 2015
© All rights reserved.


香港摺紙藝術家Kade Chan特別為綠色和平Greenpeace設計出一紙不切的加灣鼠海豚摺紙,以宣揚保護鼠海豚的訊息。有興趣的朋友可以跟據展開圖去試摺哦!

港府漠視走私石首魚問題,變相害加灣鼠海豚只餘下不足57條。立法會一眾議員 余若薇、鄧家彪、葛佩帆、陳家洛及何秀蘭議員均認為走私石首魚問題嚴峻,令香港成為瀕危物種走私天堂,促請漁護署嚴正執法,從而保護加灣鼠海豚!


聯署促請香港政府制止走私瀕危物種,拯救加灣鼠海豚 :

Sunday, June 14, 2015

港京扶輪青年服務團 摺紙工作坊 (6 June 2015)

感謝「Rotaract Club of Kingspark Hong Kong 港京扶輪青年服務團」的邀請,與貴團團員分享摺紙藝術 (6 June 2015)

RTHK 「健談文化」訪問 (6 June 2015)

熱烈恭賀「健談文化」終於來到第100集 !祝願節目聽眾量節節上升,感謝主持人 Hung Vincent 的邀請,令我可以參與其中!

DeathFest "摺蝶生死" 活動 (30 May 2015)

今天參加了 DeathFest 的 "摺蝶生死" 活動,以活動導師身份與200多位義工朋友一同摺出2,300多隻摺紙蝴蝶,刷新了一項健力士世界記錄!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Now TV 海潤台 105 : 大城小誌「玩物見志」4 - 摺紙藝術 Kade Chan (2015)

Now TV 海潤台 105 : 大城小誌「玩物見志」4 - 摺紙藝術 Kade Chan (2015)

Monday, May 25, 2015

石湖墟公立學校摺紙藝術分享 (16 May 2015)

感謝 石湖墟公立學校 Shek Wu Hui Public School 邀請本人與貴校學生分享摺紙藝術。
 (16 May 2015)

Friday, May 15, 2015

香港兆基創意書院客席講師 (15 May 2015)

感謝 香港兆基創意書院 HKICC Lee Shau Kee School Of Creativity 邀請本人擔任客席講師,與貴校師生分享摺紙藝術。 (15 May 2015)

One Special Day 網站 Pre-Launch Party (14 May 2015)

HKPolyU E-Newsletter Issue 69 - March 2015

TED, a nonprofit platform devoted to organizing short and powerful talks, has its first ever event staged at PolyU this March. Under the TEDxHKPolyU programme, a group of PolyU students organized the talk featuring three speakers who shared their inspiring experiences.
Among the speakers was PolyU design student, Kade Chan, who talked about his amazing journey in pursuing origami. Having created over a hundred origami designs and winning international awards, Kade is the first Chinese who is awarded the prestigious Yoshino Issei Fund from the Japan Origami Academic Society. Also, another student from the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Leo Ho Cheuk-yin, shared the beauty of harmonica music. This emerging chromatic harmonicist has won 17 international championships since 2006.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

拍攝TVB翡翠台節目 - 文化新領域 (15 March 2015)

拍攝TVB翡翠台節目 - 文化新領域 (15 March 2015)
左 : Kade Chan 右 : 主持 焦浩軒